The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is a group of owners who serve on a volunteer basis to ensure architectural consistency and compliance set forth in the Rim Rock Cove Governing Documents. Their role is to review projects before and after completion.
The lot owner is responsible for the following:
Researching & understanding the Architectural Rules & Regulations, Bylaws & Covenants pertaining to all and any change or addition to property, structure, etc.
Research, design, and documentation of the project
Location of property lines
Ensure approved work is implemented/built precisely to approved documentation
Being present (or represented) during construction, trailer delivery/placement, contractor activities, etc
Ensure that all required permits have been submitted/approved prior to the start of the project
Seek final sign-off by ARC upon project completion
Additionally, it is the lot owner’s responsibility as an owner of property in Grant County to research whether or not a permit is required for your project and to adhere to county/state building codes. The Architectural Review Committee is not responsible, liable, or required to ensure permits are obtained or adhered to. Typical permitted structures may include decks, roof structures, Arizona rooms, additions, changes to park model and electrical projects. This list is not comprehensive.
When drafting your plan, clearly show proposed changes to your property i.e., storage shed, deck, trailer placement, addition, utilities, etc. Be sure to include setbacks from the property lines & show dimensions to neighboring structures if applicable. Included are a few examples of great plans that have been submitted in the past:
Your drafted plan is required to be submitted electronically. The easiest way to make it electronic is to scan it with your phone. Visit the following links for assistance:
The Architectural Review Committee reserves the right to request more information to clarify the application. Projects initiated prior to proper approval is are not in accordance with the Association’s Governing Documents and could result in a violation. Approval by the ARC does not in any way guarantee approvals by the City, County, or any other such agencies, and all such approvals or permits are the responsibility of the owner/applicant.
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