The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is a group of owners who serve on a volunteer basis to ensure architectural consistency and compliance set forth in the Rim Rock Cove Governing Documents. Their role is to review projects before and after completion.
Rim Rock Cove
Grant County
Please note that due to recent Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) rulemaking, all persons performing manufactured home installations must be a certified installer, which now include homeowners seeking to install a manufactured home for their personal use. These rules took effect on January 31, 2022. The L&I rules require the placement of Washington State Installer Certification (WAINS) Tag to the home. Final inspections will not be performed or approved until the applicable tags are completed and affixed to the manufactured home. To view the rules as adopted by L&I, please review WSR 22-01-193 and WAC 296-150l-0110 (revised language online may be delayed).
Additional Permits Grant County may require:
Approach Permit: RRC worked with Grant County on a Blanket approach permit that all RRC Lot owners may use:
Permit No. 23247-A – Rimrock Cove HOA - Moore Road (click to download Permit)
Grant County Health
Water Availability Application
Please download the Water Availability Application from the GRANT COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT (
Please complete the top of this form, then it will need to be emailed to the RRC water purveyor to complete the “WATER SYSTEM TYPE” and for signature.
Please complete all owner sections before sending to our Water Purveyor. (#1Waterboy LLC - Wes Trammell:
Email completed application to Application has a fee of $120.00.
General Instructions
Site Preparation:
The site must be in compliance with minimum setbacks from property lines and other buildings per RRC Governing Documents and Grant County Regulations.
Property lines may need to be identified with stakes and string lines.
Tie downs –
Grant county – MH Installation Tie downs drawing included?
Waste and water systems
Standpipe Installation Procedure (Download PDF)
Water - you will need to submit the Water Availability Application to Grant Co Health. (Linked above)
No Garbage Disposals - RRC Sewer Lagoon System cannot handle additional waste.
Electrical Connections
Electrical Box access.
50 AMPS per lot
New Park Models must be skirted within 6 months from installation.
Grant Co. - Skirting materials must be weather resistant and suitable for ground contact. Metal fasteners must be galvanized, stainless steel or other corrosion resistant material. The skirting must be recessed behind the siding or trim. Corrosion resistant wire mesh vents shall be installed in skirting to achieve crawlspace ventilation at a rate of 1/300. Vents shall be spaced evenly to allow adequate cross flow. A crawl space access must provide an unobstructed opening of not less than 24” x 18” and be located to provide access to all areas of the crawl space. An access shall be located within 10 feet of the water supply shut-off
Landings: IRC 311.3 (link)
There shall be a landing at each exterior door - including sliding doors - and at the top and bottom of each stairway. The landing for the required means of egress door shall be at least the width of the door or stairway served, shall have a minimum dimension of 36 inches measured in the direction of travel, and may not be more than 1½ inches lower than the top of the threshold of the door. See Page 12.
NOTE: At all doors other than the required means of egress door, a landing may be a maximum of 7¾ inches below the top of the threshold provided the door does not swing over the stairway. At doors other than the required main entry/exit door, a landing is not required where an exterior stairway has two or fewer risers, and provided the door does not swing over the stairway.
Stairways: IRC 311.7 (link)
Stairways shall be not less than 36 inches in clear width and shall not have less than 6 feet 8 inches of headroom height. The maximum allowable riser height shall be 7¾ inches. The greatest riser height within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch. The minimum tread depth shall be 11 inches. The greatest tread depth within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch.
NOTE: Stairways shall be provided a means to illuminate the stairs; including the landings and treads. For more information on stairway requirements see Page 12 and/or contact Grant County Development Services.
Railings - Guards: IRC 312 (link)
Porches, decks and landings more than 30 inches above the grade or surface below shall have guards not less than 36 inches in height. Guards for decks and landings shall not have openings which allow passage of a sphere 4 inches in diameter.
Guards that are required on the open sides of stairs shall have a height not less than 34 inches measured vertically from a line connecting the leading edge of the treads. Guards on the open side of stairs shall not have openings which allow passage of a sphere 4 3/8 inches in diameter. See Page 12.
Handrails: IRC 311.5.6 (link) - need to find
Handrails shall be provided on at least one side of each continuous run of treads or flight of stairs with four or more risers. The handrail height shall be not less than 34 inches and not more than 38 inches measured vertically from a line connecting the leading edge of the treads. Handrails shall be continuous for the full length of the flight and shall be returned or shall terminate by newel post, safety terminal, volute, or turnout.
The handgrip size shall be a minimum of 1¼ inches and a maximum of 2 inches.
The Architectural Review Committee reserves the right to request more information to clarify the application. Projects initiated prior to proper approval is are not in accordance with the Association’s Governing Documents and could result in a violation. Approval by the ARC does not in any way guarantee approvals by the City, County, or any other such agencies, and all such approvals or permits are the responsibility of the owner/applicant.
Related Links + Documents
ARC Approval for Lot Change
County + State Agencies