Mystery Leak Found + Fixed!

Have you ever noticed the large patch of water seeping up through the ground on your way down to the red deck?  The water on the pathway has been like this for many years and is quite a nuisance as it attracts wasps during the hottest time of the summer.

Historically Rim Rock Cove's water consumption readings have been higher than average but the cause has been hard to identify. The pump from the well was running overtime for a total of 38 minutes 2 times a day.

Some curious folks in the park got to thinking that something might be wrong.  The water was tested and the results were conclusive - it contained chlorine. That could only mean one thing - there was a water leak.

The park brought out a contractor who located a pipe leak in the Block 5 vicinity. The leak was extremely large and it went all the way down the hill and out to the lake.

Thanks to all that were involved in the identification and fix of the leak! The pump to the well now only turns on once every 3-4 days!!

Below are a few pictures of the dig: