RRC 50th Anniversary - Caterer Idea's Needed!

Hello RimRockers! - This post is a little late, but wanted to ask for any recommended caterers for 7/4/2020 Event! We are talking to a BBQ caterer about serving us a meal together on July 4th 2020 to celebrate our RRC 50th Anniversary. Since that date is a holiday, we will need to reserve a caterer pretty soon. I had a few of you mention that you might know of caterers we should speak with. It’s time to get us their contact information before we make a final decision on caterers. We are open to considering all styles of catering. Please send their information to kristingopal@hotmail.com before end of day June 16, 2019.

Thank you! We look forward to celebrating with all of you.

RRC 50th Anniversary Planning Committee:

  • Kristin Gopal

  • Jan Lacher

  • Kimberlie Lelli

  • Linda Riemath

  • Kat Richards

  • Denise Sokol

  • Representing the next generation of RRC: Reese Kautzman & Lydia Mancer