RRC Board Member Nominations


This is a very exciting time to become more involved with your Home Owners Association! We all know how much you LOVE our park and desire it to evolve and prosper for your future family generations to enjoy. Being an HOA Board member is a meaningful way to get involved and connect with like-minded owners who care about the park’s future. This service can be very rewarding while you gain a better understanding of how the park operates and how we can prepare for the park's future success. 

We are seeking three candidates to fill upcoming vacant positions in May. This includes one incumbent who is willing to serve again if elected. The term for each position is three years.

In-person board meetings are usually held from March thru October each year. With your involvement you will be able to speak about what agenda items need to be discussed, review minutes from meetings, weigh in on issues that arise, help research solutions, and assist with pushing projects forward in a timely manner. 

Our current areas of focus are our Reserve Study action items, including water tank, office, and tree replacements; marina and beach enhancements; architectural projects and compliance; event planning; upcoming 2024 budget considerations, and more.

If you have a passion for the park and are interested in running for the Board, please submit your bio to board@rimrockcove.com no later than APRIL 19TH. Remember to include your lot number!

If you would like more information please feel free to email the Board, or reach out to one of the current Board members personally. We would be delighted to answer any questions you have.

Let's work together to begin our next 50 years!

RRC Board of Directors